Monday, July 26, 2010

Manners Monday

House training is this weeks Manners Monday.

With the new puppy this is definitely on my mind. I asked for some of the best secrets on our Poochieheaven Facebook Page and got some good responses. Below are the suggestions for those looking to potty train your dog.

  1. Many, many bathroom breaks then slowly spread them out to breaks that fit the schedule
  2. The most important thing I learned is NEVER get mad if your puppy has an accident. By being matter of fact when she had an accident, and just relocating her to the place she was supposed to have gone, we were able to limit the amount of accidents to just a very few. And non after the age of 7 months. Plus she isn't afraid of us and still trusts us.
  3. I always sit outside with them for a while and whenever they go potty outside they get a treat then if they do it in the house no treat and a loud noise. Usually only takes me a week to potty train them.
  4. Start as small as you can. I know that taking home is 8 weeks but as a breeder if you can find one that starts outside potty training at 4-5 weeks and sends home a schedule of when they eat sleep and potty is super. Otherwise start the moment you pick up the pup and if you have other dogs in the home they also help teach the little ones.
  5. Consistency and not giving too much freedom. If you aren't actively watching the puppy put them in their crate or exercise pen...don't give them the opportunity to have an accident.
  6. We had a "bells" system. We attached little jingly bells to a rope and hung it on the door. Whenever we took our dog out, we'd jingle the bells very loudly and when he did a potty outside, he got a treat. We continued this until he started ringing the bells on his own to go outside!
Potty training a new puppy can be a lot of work, but with the tips above from our facebook fans, hopefully it can be much easier!

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