Sunday, February 15, 2009

Junebug the Cat!

Here are some cute pictures of Junebug the cat, a happy Poochieheaven customer.
Junebug needed custom made cat shirts due to some medical issues.
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1 comment:

Concerned_American said...

My name is Pam, and Junebug lives with me in Oklahoma. I was already completely in love with this little guy before I realized that he had a genetic skin disorder called Cutaneous Asthenia. It is marked by the tearing of his very thin skin. Most of the websites I read recommended putting the animal down. But there was no way I was going to do that if I could find a solution. First of all I had to have him declawed (which I hated)and he has to stay in my bedroom, which he shares with another cat. But, accidents happen. He has run out of my room and got tagged by another cat (it doesn't take much). So I wondered if I could find cat clothes for him. I tried Wal Mart and found some dog clothes but they didn't fit right, and he could get out of them easily. I needed something that covered almost his entire body. That's when i came across Poochie Heaven and hooked up with Jenny who was so helpful in getting him shirts made just for him. They fit wonderfully...he looks cute...and he seems happy. I know I am. This little animal is a precious....spoiled

Thanks Jenny! I'll be ordering again soon!

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