Thursday, August 21, 2008

Preservative Free Dog Treats

Poochieheaven has added new preservative free dog treats. They come in great flavors such as bacon cheddar dog treats, peanut butter dog cookies, and apple cinnamon dog muffins.

Duke was the official taste tester for these new treats and he loved them! He is very picky with what he eats. I've tried multiple different brands of dog food, just to get him to eat. While he isn't as picky with his dog treats, there are many kinds he will just sniff and then come back to later. This was not the case with these new treats. He ate them quickly and looked at me for more. Also the black & white dog cookies where very good smelling and make me jealous of him!

They are corn free which is great because of the recent discovery that Duke is allergic to corn.

The only down side that I can think of with these treats, which can also be a positive, is that they are preservative free. So your dog will have to enjoy them within three weeks. This can also be a positive as preservatives are not always good and these treats will be very healthy for your dog.

If you are looking for some great healthy dog treats, I would highly suggest these.

1 comment:

michael said...

Dog treats are great for your dogs, especially when you want to train them or reward them. However, keep in mind that dog treats also factor in the daily food intake that they have, so be sure to adjust his meals for that day if you give him too much dog treats!

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